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SLCARE models recurrent events data based on a semi-parametric multiplicative model.

Data and Model assumption

Let \(T_{i} ^{(j)}\) denote time to the \(j^{th}\) recurrent event, \(\tilde{Z} _{i}\) denote a \(p \times 1\) vector of time-independent covariates, \(C_{i}\) censoring time.

Counting process for recurrent events: \[ N_{i} ^{*} (t) = \sum _{j = 1} ^{\infty} I(T_{i} ^{(j)} \leq t), i = 1,\cdots ,n \] Assume \(N_{i} ^{*} (t)\) is a non-stationary Poisson process with intensity function: \[ \lambda _{i} (t) = \sum _{k = 1} ^{K} I (\xi _{i} = k) \times \lambda _{0} (t) \times W_{i} \times \eta _{0,k} \times exp(\tilde{Z} _{i} ^{T} \tilde{\beta} _{0,k})\tag{1} \] Where:

\(K\) : a pre-determined number of latent class

\(\xi _{i}\): un-observable latent class membership

\(\lambda _{0} (t)\): an unspecified, continuous, non-negative baseline intensity function shared among different latent class

\(W_{i}\): a positive subject-specific latent variable independent of \((\xi, \tilde{Z}, C)\), \(W_{i}\) offers the flexibility to accommodate individual difference with a larger or smaller value indicating more or less frequent occurence of recurrent events.

Unknown class-specific parameters:

\(\eta _{0,k}\) Captures the class-k scale shift in the baseline intensity function

\(\tilde{\beta} _{0,k}\) represents the class-k corvariate effects on the intensity function

To ensure the identifiability of \(\lambda _{0} (t)\) And \(\eta _{0,k}\) in (1), assume \(E(W_{i} | \tilde{Z}_{i} , \xi _{i} = k) = 1\) for \(k = 1, \cdots, K\) and impose the constraint: \[ \int _{0} ^{v^{*}} \lambda _{0} (t) dt = 1 \tag{2} \] where \(v^{*}\) is a predetermined constant

  • In practice, it may be chosen to be slightly smaller than the upper bound of \(C_{i}\) ’s support
  • Or it would only imply a scale shift to \(\lambda _0 (t)\) by a constant with \(\eta _{0,k}\) and \(\tilde{\beta} _{0,k}\) remaining the same

To address the difficulty with the unobservable latent class membership, assume a multinomial logistic regression model for \(\xi _{i}\) : \[ P(\xi _{i} = k | \tilde{Z} _{i}) = p_{k} (\alpha _{0} , \tilde{Z} _{i}) = \frac{exp(\tilde{Z} _{i} ^{T} \alpha _{0,k})}{\sum_{k = 1}^{K}exp(\tilde{Z} _{i} ^{T} \alpha _{0,k}) } , k = 1, \cdots, K \tag{3} \] Where: \(\alpha _0 = (\alpha _{0,1} ^{K}, \dots, \alpha _{0,K}^{K})^{T}\)


We will illustrate the usage of SLCARE with SLCARE_simdat from the SLCARE package.

data("SLCARE_simdat", package = "SLCARE")
#>       ID time event x1        x2
#> 1 UOM054   65     1  0 0.5555556
#> 2 UOM054  940     1  0 0.5555556
#> 3 UOM054 2420     1  0 0.5555556
#> 4 UOM054 2475     1  0 0.5555556
#> 5 UOM054 2650     1  0 0.5555556
#> 6 UOM054 3830     1  0 0.5555556

Fit the model with K = 2 with frailty \(W = 1\).

Note that by default, the initial values in the iteration based estimation procedure are derived with K- means and a multiplicative intensity model studies by Wang et al. (2001) using the reReg() function. See SLCARE::get_initial() for details.

model1 <- SLCARE(dat = SLCARE_simdat, K=2)

SLCARE will return to a list containing:

#>  [1] "alpha"                   "beta"                   
#>  [3] "convergeloss"            "PosteriorPrediction"    
#>  [5] "EstimatedTau"            "ModelChecking"          
#>  [7] "est_mu0"                 "Estimated_mu0t"         
#>  [9] "Estimated_Mean_Function" "RelativeEntropy"        
#> [11] "InitialAlpha"            "InitialBeta"

We can check the point estimates for \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)

#>               x1        x2
#> class1 0.0000000  0.000000
#> class2 0.2204357 -3.736727
#>        (Intercept)        x1         x2
#> class1    2.496767 -0.110277  0.1679575
#> class2    3.175178 -0.141808 -5.5362092

We can check the posterior prediction for observed events for subjects of interest

#>        ID PosteriorPrediction
#> 1  UOM054          10.5227224
#> 2   EM015          11.5014781
#> 3    G078          11.4903563
#> 4  UOM048          11.9388759
#> 5    G050          11.1886724
#> 6    G058           3.8500141
#> 7   EM037           5.7373952
#> 8    G052           1.8489939
#> 9  UOM043           2.3018298
#> 10   G064          12.2549101
#> 11  EM036           1.7865768
#> 12 UOM003           7.2927102
#> 13  EM001           9.6461813
#> 14 UOM020           5.6180338
#> 15   G027           6.9236494
#> 16 UOM023          12.1637705
#> 17 UOM051           9.7369634
#> 18   G036          12.0859251
#> 19   G051          13.4306809
#> 20 UOM055          12.0733739
#> 21   G070           5.6079467
#> 22 UOM009           4.5591882
#> 23   G047          10.3564909
#> 24   G007          11.3667516
#> 25   G009          10.5893497
#> 26   G004           2.3224480
#> 27 UOM040          17.3172396
#> 28  EM013           3.1650867
#> 29   G066           1.7884215
#> 30   G021          11.1295757
#> 31   G061           8.0095335
#> 32 UOM031           0.8026416
#> 33  EM044           9.7559038
#> 34   G015           5.7280014
#> 35  EM018          12.8902131
#> 36 UOM050          13.1332526
#> 37   G005           8.0697634
#> 38   G003          10.4539334
#> 39   G018           5.0996630
#> 40   G057          11.7181383
#> 41   G072          11.6051441
#> 42 UOM005          13.1737497
#> 43   G019           4.0456816
#> 44 UOM025           9.4886388
#> 45   G065           2.1372540
#> 46  EM014          10.6922976
#> 47   G079           2.8322107
#> 48 UOM007           3.1004627
#> 49   G048           7.6133885
#> 50   G080          11.6309883

We can check the posterior probability of latent class membership

#>        ID      class1       class2
#> 1  UOM054 0.999999641 3.588689e-07
#> 2   EM015 0.999999270 7.296420e-07
#> 3    G078 0.998646435 1.353565e-03
#> 4  UOM048 1.000000000 3.410495e-13
#> 5    G050 0.998840723 1.159277e-03
#> 6    G058 0.437239412 5.627606e-01
#> 7   EM037 0.559913306 4.400867e-01
#> 8    G052 0.009863978 9.901360e-01
#> 9  UOM043 0.325872654 6.741273e-01
#> 10   G064 1.000000000 9.013150e-25
#> 11  EM036 0.001336693 9.986633e-01
#> 12 UOM003 0.188217597 8.117824e-01
#> 13  EM001 0.948642553 5.135745e-02
#> 14 UOM020 1.000000000 3.327574e-10
#> 15   G027 0.999976786 2.321358e-05
#> 16 UOM023 0.999999995 5.446992e-09
#> 17 UOM051 0.776284012 2.237160e-01
#> 18   G036 0.714972850 2.850272e-01
#> 19   G051 1.000000000 4.054462e-14
#> 20 UOM055 0.910532662 8.946734e-02
#> 21   G070 0.681826745 3.181733e-01
#> 22 UOM009 0.547115965 4.528840e-01
#> 23   G047 0.359803746 6.401963e-01
#> 24   G007 0.983611339 1.638866e-02
#> 25   G009 0.554658656 4.453413e-01
#> 26   G004 0.055220951 9.447790e-01
#> 27 UOM040 0.319408186 6.805918e-01
#> 28  EM013 0.546855255 4.531447e-01
#> 29   G066 0.012265950 9.877341e-01
#> 30   G021 0.969492976 3.050702e-02
#> 31   G061 0.290533287 7.094667e-01
#> 32 UOM031 0.618818075 3.811819e-01
#> 33  EM044 0.999824606 1.753943e-04
#> 34   G015 0.999977573 2.242684e-05
#> 35  EM018 0.999976933 2.306671e-05
#> 36 UOM050 1.000000000 3.290086e-11
#> 37   G005 0.433093210 5.669068e-01
#> 38   G003 0.702729729 2.972703e-01
#> 39   G018 0.545514459 4.544855e-01
#> 40   G057 0.999999892 1.077511e-07
#> 41   G072 0.612486202 3.875138e-01
#> 42 UOM005 1.000000000 5.818215e-13
#> 43   G019 0.447460375 5.525396e-01
#> 44 UOM025 0.999751903 2.480969e-04
#> 45   G065 0.309831911 6.901681e-01
#> 46  EM014 0.997311331 2.688669e-03
#> 47   G079 0.748248625 2.517514e-01
#> 48 UOM007 0.534013300 4.659867e-01
#> 49   G048 0.221051811 7.789482e-01
#> 50   G080 0.999999626 3.742849e-07

We can check the plot for model checking


We can check the plot for \(\hat{\mu} _{0}(t)\)

#> `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'

We can check the \(\hat{\mu} _{0} (t)\) at specific time points. For example, let \(t = 100, 1000, 5000\)

model1$est_mu0(c(100, 1000, 5000))
#> [1] 0.06086907 0.17089670 0.70936436

We can check the plot of estimated mean function

#> `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'

We can check the relative entropy for the fitted model

#> [1] 0.5468913

We can check the initial values for iteration based estimation procedure

#>                x1        x2
#> class1  0.0000000  0.000000
#> class2 -0.4984874 -2.447667
#>        intercept         x1          x2
#> class1  2.563970 -0.2441563  0.06202144
#> class2  2.125367  0.0107472 -1.09947581

Fit the model with K = 2 with frailty \(W = 1\) and apply self-defined initial values in estimation procedure.

alpha <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0.5, -2, 2, -4), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
beta <- matrix(c(2.5, -0.5, -0.3, 1.5, -0.2, -0.5, 2.5,  0.1, 0.2), nrow = 3 , ncol = 2+1 , byrow = TRUE)
model2 <- SLCARE(alpha, beta, dat = SLCARE_simdat)

Fit the model with K = 2 with frailty \(W \sim gamma(3,3)\) and apply self-defined initial values in estimation procedure.

model3 <- SLCARE(alpha, beta, dat = SLCARE_simdat, gamma = 3)

We may also calculate bootstrap standard errors by using boot argument

# model4 <- SLCARE(alpha, beta, dat = SLCARE_simdat, boot = 100)

We can check bootstrap standard errors

# model4$alpha_bootse
# model4$beta_bootse